Embrace Optimal Health and Overcome Weight Challenges

Are you a woman over 30 facing challenges like stubborn weight gain, low energy, brain fog, or digestive issues? At AG Wellness, we offer personalized, holistic solutions tailored to your lifestyle, paving the way for real, lasting change.

At AG Wellness, we understand the unique health challenges that can hold you back.

Our tailored approach combines individualized plans, precise testing, curated supplements, meal plans and lifestyle adjustments to help you break through those barriers and reach your full potential.

Achieve your wellness goals with custom plan

  • Customized Approach

    We go beyond generic solutions, offering a personalized plan tailored to your unique needs.

  • Root Cause Focus

    Our method targets the underlying causes of your symptoms for a truly individualized health strategy.

  • On-Going Support

    Once you’ve reached your weight loss goal, you’ll join our monthly membership for additional support.

  • I had the privilege of working with Dr. Gupta for almost a year, and the transformation I've experienced has been remarkable. As someone who has struggled with PCOS, I was dealing with a range of symptoms, from intense cravings and social anxiety to abnormal lab results. Under Dr. Gupta's expert guidance, I have healed many of these symptoms, improved my relationship with food, improved all my lab results, and lost 15 pounds—all without the need for medication.

  • Dr. Gupta's holistic approach to healthcare, focusing on both functional and lifestyle medicine, has made a significant difference in my life. Her personalized care, attention to detail, and unwavering support have empowered me to make lasting changes. I am incredibly grateful for her expertise and compassion. If you are looking for a practitioner who truly cares about your well-being and has the knowledge to back it up, I wholeheartedly recommend Dr. Gupta.

  • I’ve known Anu and her passion for wellness for many years. But only recently did I engage with her regarding my health. It has transformed the way I approach foods and overall lifestyle. She has helped me become aware of foods that are not good for my body and what foods to eat to promote better health. Over the past eight weeks I’ve slimmed down and feel great.

  • AG Wellness is the way to Go! Dr. Anu Gupta is always on top of your Journey to a Better way of Healthier Lifestyle. She is incredibly knowledgeable and takes the time to answer all my questions. I have had full support through my Journey with AG Wellness. Dr. Gupta listens attentively to my concerns and provides personalized treatment that yields positive results.

Transforming Lives Through Holistic Wellness

Anu Gupta MD, Dip ABLM

Functional Medicine Practitioner
Certified Lifestyle Medicine Physician

Dr. Anu Gupta is a leading expert in weight loss and wellness, dedicated to empowering women to achieve their health goals. Her holistic approach integrates seamlessly into your lifestyle, offering personalized plans and targeted treatments for lasting results. Begin your journey to optimal health by scheduling a consultation today.